Hawaiian Girl

Friday, August 04, 2006


Well, that doesn't apply to me, since I don't "work". But I need NOT remind any stay at home Mom that what she doesn't do is WORK!!! Men, save yourselves.....Do NOT EVER tell your wife that staying home with baby is a CRUISE JOB!!!! If so, have a helmet on and prepare to RUN....and dont get caught!!!

We have teenagers coming Sunday to stay with us for a MONTH!!! I shouldn't say teenagers, they belong to someone......they are my Niece & Nephew ( 16, 15 ) from L.A. Tiki couldn't be more excited to see her cousins!! We got to see them in Feb. so she knows who they are. Yesterday was filled with cleaning screens....windows ( yes, I do windows!) and if I'm really lucky today, maybe I can shampoo the carpet!!! As all my thoughts of what I have to do today mix around...I suddenly FANTASIZE of Tiki in PRESCHOOL!!! and me getting a new job and actually having intelligent conversations with people....drinking coffee....making "grown-up"
decisions , missing her sooo much I smile all the way to her school to pick her up! I also know the flip side to "wishing" for all of this, is I'll wish she was "little" again and getting on top of the vacuum while I'm trying to get things done.

So, today, Aloha Friday, I will be Grateful, Thankful, that I have a little "helper".

Just I finished my last line, she woke up comes out of the bedroom, hair all tassled and says " Mom! Where is Marissa & Shane?" I tell her " a couple more days they'll be here, I still have to clean" She gets all excited and says " I wanna help!!"

I smile, realizing , I better take it while I can.


At 10:22 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

Enjoy every minute because she will be grown up before you know it. I'm looking forward to seeing Marisa and Shane on your blog.


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