Hawaiian Girl

Sunday, September 10, 2006


" Hi, my name is Dina....I'm a BLOG-O-HOLIC!"
" Hi Dina!!!

Okay it sounds silly, but it's TRUE! I LOOOVE to Blog, Read Blogs, find new blogs, and of course come back to my "daily blogs". A Day ( on a rare exception ) does NOT go by that I don't check a blog!! I have my " regulars", and if I have time I sift through to see what life is doing elsewhere. I have notice one thing in most bloggers.....were all "missing" something, and worse part is...we ALL CANT PINPOINT IT!!! I find myself laughing at peoples misery, hardships, anything of the "wounded". I'm not laughing AT THEM, I laughing because I too have sooo much to share in their misery.....I can't believe that soooo many people share the same angst, yet we are all so lonely because nobody really wants to share downfalls...only GREAT THINGS..until the " BLOG" was invented. I REALLY feel sorry for celebrity's....they have to smile, while there man just shacked up with a new beauty ( only to have a baby 9 months later), you cant have a DUI without the "whole world" acting as though they have NEVER DONE WRONG, and they can't even get a starbucks without 90 papparazzi's capturing the moment their hair is unwashed, clothes don't match.....
I think I will try " not to JUDGE" anybody or any situation for one whole week....sounds funny to think I have to make this "pack" like a diet or something...it just became a spuratic thought...I bet it's harder than anyone thinks....join me....try it...let me know, if you sailed through it or "fought" it!!!!

Besides one of my favorite things to do is people watch, and with that comes ALOT OF JUDGING!!!


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Candy said...

ok, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with you. I love to people watch too. It never really occurred to me how much judging that entails, but you are so right. I'll give it a try but I can tell you right now I will not "sail through it". no way.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Katie Bowen said...

We're all like you Dina, and I think "People Watching" is an amazing experiment, not to use to see how judgmental you are and then punish yourself for it, but just to be quiet with it and see what arises, see what surfaces, and then take it a step further. Ask yourself, as I do all the time, "Why am I repelled by the guy with the bad tupe?" "Why am I feeling such anger and the 20 year old girl with the killer body but who talks like she doesn’t have a brain in her head? Our judgments really come back to us in someway, our dissatisfaction with ourselves. I mean, unless someone is being hurtful to you or to another person, or to the world, why do we care? But remember, while you're out there practicing "Not Judging," remember to give yourself the same consideration that you're giving to others.

We're not perfect, we can never be, all we can do is keep trying to be better.

You rock Dina, you really do.

Love, Katie

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Dina said...

Candy: let me know...

Katie: Your too cool...( of course you are, I could be your sister!) I bet you & I would have a BLAST people watching together, here or there!!!!!

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Katie Bowen said...

The feeling's mutual... but can we do Hawaii first? The New York City winter is just around the corner and although it's beautiful, I think we'd be better off on the beach.

One day sister...

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Dina said...



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