Hawaiian Girl

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Good day.....

Today was a gorgeous day!!! The only bummer of it was Tiki was to get her 3 yr. physical & shots!! went to the doc...he said NO SHOTS TODAY!!! yeah.... we walked around the mall & got cookies from the "Cookie Corner" ( THEE BEST!!)
and then were off the see "Charlotte's Web". We get our usual popcorn...and it really was a CUTE MOVIE. ya know by today's standards it would be considered boring without any cursing, nudity, & car's blowing up...but I loooooved that NONE of that was in it!!! Tiki & I had lunch, and she KNEW this was "mommy, daughter thang goin on". Just walking to go to the next place, she holding my hand would look up at me and just smile....she said "Mom, that was a gooood movie, yeah?!" then she quickly adds.."Mom! that's MY PIG!!!" As we got in the car, turn the air on ( yes it IS 85 degrees today) she gently drifted off in a comfortable slumber. Now it's my turn....


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

I don't think you could have topped that day if you tried. The doctor with NO SHOTS! Cookies, movie and your girl...sounds like a day to remember.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Beverly said...

I loved those times, Dina! Now, just so you know, Whitney and I still have those Mother/Daughter times. We went to see a movie the other night and I took her to Dallas shopping. It still moves my heart to look over and see her asleep in her seat knowing that she is content in our love. You are a great Mommy, Dina...it will only continue on and on..

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Vonnie said...

What a great day. My baby turned 39 last week. Where did the years go? Enjoy each day.

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Candy said...

what fun!


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