Hawaiian Girl

Thursday, October 04, 2007


My friend and I had a conversation yesterday about an "old friend" of hers. As we continued to talk she described him as "A MONDAY". I looked at her like what tha, what tha?????
She went on to say, his personality is a Monday...a little slower to get going, a bit drabby at times....
So my question came out as "if someone were to ask you, what day of the week are YOU, she said," I USED to be a Friday! ( we laughed ) now I'm probably a Thurs!"

Then she asked me....." I DEFINITELY was a FRIDAY for way too long, then Tiki was born and I'm probably a Sun, but with thoughts of Friday on my mind!". we laughed . I enjoyed the thought of what people think they are....what day of the week are YOU???!!!!


At 12:32 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

How do you describe Saturday. Sometimes busy sometimes lazy. Maybe that is me. I vary between a slug and a butterfly.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

This reminds me of the 8 meaningless things. I am thinking waaay too much.

Friday would have to be it! Or Saturday, or Sunday...with a little weekday mixed in.

You can see I'm having a hard time with this :)

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Candy said...

I'd like to think I'm a Sunday. In fact, I am claiming Sunday! Relaxed, worshipful, nappy. Yep, that sounds like me.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Annalisa said...

I think I am a Wednesday. Kinda in between everything. I would love to be a Sunday but that ain't possible with 3 kids.


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