Hawaiian Girl

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Race that NEVER WAS.....

I received a phone call from my husband at wee hours of the morning..saying "guess where I am?" where?!!!
Here in Honolulu. OMG!!! The escort boat that was to take them to other island so he can race DID NOT MAKE IT. 5 hours into the trip ( and not even half way there) they experienced HIGH SWELLS, turning the 45 ft boat into a little ship. Most got sea sick , and was slammed around like match sticks. Alika did find time to sleep , when he woke up he was COMPLETELY DISORIENTED and looked around like WHERE ARE WE??!?!!! His partner Tony said " Honolulu". He said he never heard Alika Curse soo much!! ( truth be told!!). Alika worked soooo hard at this...he practiced, got a sponsor to pay for the WHOLE THING (Board, phone & money included) and he didn't get to do it. I suppose it's like getting ready for the Superbowl and it being his FIRST ONE, but the plane, train or automobile couldn't get him there in time for the game! After many hours talking about it, we are saying that THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!! We may not like it,, but it is WHAT IT IS!!!


At 4:27 AM, Blogger Kathy said...

I am sorry for you Alika, I know you are dissapointed. I beliieve, like you, that there was a reason i wasn't meant to be.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Kala said...

that is truly heartbreaking - on the other hand, I'm glad no one got seriously hurt - I've gone up to moloka'i on a motor boat and I can tell you, it is not a cake walk when it is huge. You have to go EARLY early did I mention early in the morning when the winds have not quite picked up yet and the swells are a little more manageable. You are going up current, into the swells, with the nose of the boat slamming down on the back side of the swell throughout the whole trip. You can't sit at any time or you could potentially hurt your tail bone and you just hope you don't get motion sickness. It wears the body down. It took us about 7 to 8 hours one year and I swore I would never ever go to Moloka'i in that manner ever again. I'd rather just fly over and pay the $1000 or what ever the going rate is for interisland fares with the huge oil prices. Maybe the superferry can go to Molokai? That would be the best option, so ppl can transport their watercraft as well, otherwise you end up having to Matson that thing in advance and pay even more. Glad to know he is back home, sound and safe!!!

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Dina said...

kathy- just glad hes safe :)

Kala- the big heartbreaker was he wanted to leave early....paid the guy and the guy still said "nah, were going to leave at 8pm!" by then the guys missed flights and was sooo ticked off. learning lesson...some friends of ours took 8 hours paddling in and SWORE they would never cross Molokai again!! couple other escorts never made it but the guys flew there night before and STILL couldn't do race cuz their boat never showed. SAFETY 1st!


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