Hawaiian Girl

Friday, July 20, 2007


Today went to Bishop Museum with Tiki's school. They have a wonderful display of Hawaiian Artifacts, (which is something I've wanted to see since I moved here.) UNFORTUNATELY it was closed for remodeling/upkeep, blah, blah (I can't see what I've heard about for soooo long :(....
But the kids did get to see an exhibition on VOLCANOES!!! This teacher is explaining BIG words ( and losing there attention span FAST) suddenly........there is RUMBLING, AND NOISE GOING ON...

The kids get curious.....whipping their heads in the direction as the teacher is saying " eyes on ME!" Hell, I WAS TURNING AROUND!

It was this volcano that shoots water up ( WITH SOUND AS THOUGH WE WERE IN THE MIDST OF ONE).... What did the kids DO????!!!!!

SCREAMED AND RAN!!!! whose brilliant idea was this that would make the kids tooooo scared. It was great to learn about Volcanoes....but not to sure they treasured the EFFECTS!!!

lost all my kids ( we all did) who were suppose to hold hands....couldn't wait to go home and watch a little T.V. That's about all it was ...a little t.v. we fell asleep fast!! After all, we did just escape a Volcano :)


At 9:49 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

Sounds like an unforgettable field trip. I think they should plan for the age of the group. The volcano eruption would probably have been fine for an older group.
I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Candy said...

I love the pictures. You definitely captured the whole experience. Great story!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Kala said...

I read this post several days ago and thought what a crazy story - did u hear about the recent eruptions at Pu'u O'o on the Big Island? They had an aerial video on CNN - amazing - much better than the classroom version =P

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

When I read this I couldn't help but think of the show we JUST watched! It was the amazing planet dvd from the Discovery channel. I thought it would be exciting and we would learn all kind of new things. Well we did. It kept talking about the volcanoes and how the world was cracking apart. It did mention that it would take millions of years but Levi didn't notice as he left the room BAWLING!!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger KJS said...

Tiki reminds me of "me" at that age just from being mixed ... these photos look like photos my mom has of me in the Philippines with golden brown hair surrounded by dozens of kids with jet black hair.


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