This is her classmate. He name is Kyan and I wanna adopt him...he is soooo cute!! He has a raspy voice & always says..." I love P.E." ( I'm his p.e. teacher) and when I ask him "why, whats your favorite activity we do..?" He gets quite and re-thinks what & how to say what he means.....Then he always says "I LOVE
YOU!!!" awww my heart!!
Tiki was a kitty cat at school.

With her friend Cameron. It was very hot for her during the parade. Poor kitty, kitty :) !!


Our friends just got this dog...how appropriate!!!
She is adorable! Love the kitty costume. Dorothy is just precious with the dog, what a perfect picture!!
Love the story about Kyan, a real heartbreaker.
OMG she is so adorable. I love the Dorthy costume.
Kathy said it all! Tiki is beautiful. Dorothy is perfect!
What a fun story to share - I think we know why Kyan like P.E. so much! ;)
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