TIKI DOES!!!!! Went to dentist yesterday, and she just gets way too excited about it. It is a GIRL dentist which makes ALL the difference (shes compassionate, caring, & talks to you).
a "tooth fairy" with wings comes out to the waiting room & picks the kids up!! Then after its over, they apply sparkly lip gloss to make you feel like a princess!!! Any parent that has to take a kid to a dentist is apprehensive. Thanks to hers, its a goooood trip!
P.s. she took a x-ray of her teeth and said 6 -12 months her new teeth will be coming in....this is what I heard...

"Your daughter is growing up soo fast, that before you know it, she wont need you, probably won't like you, and definitely won't want to hang out with you!"
Yeah , I know, I probably read too much into that.....ya think?!!
As you know, Annie is 11. Today is her day to eat lunch outside of school with her friends. They usually go to the pizza place, and as I was driving downtown, I realized I'd forgotten to give her money. I turned the car around, ran into the pizza place, and there she was with all her girlfriends. Obviously someone loaned her money because she was eating with everyone, and right in front of all the "Cool" kids, Annie spotted me, jumped up, threw open her arms and shouted "HI MOM!"
She gave me a huge hug and a kiss, then went back to being cool with her friends.
They ALWAYS love us, the key is to remember that when they pull away, it's healthy--a sign that we are doing a good job!
OMG, dentist? scary - I've never had a cavity but it still is freakyzoid to go to one - oh i did hafta go to one when my bike crashed into a car at 15 to 20 mph and my teeth went awol! The dentist did a nice job capping them
I agreee with Katie, and I know you will do a great job.
I love the dentist but yours sounds WAY cooler! Maybe I'll suggest it to ours. Naomi would be in heaven.
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