Hawaiian Girl

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Goals ??????

Truth be told. I don't set them, I don't seek them.
I'm constantly aware, that I don't have any. My intentions are THERE. still.....no goals.

My very best friend & I ( I won't reveal her name....she doesn't have a blog, and I could possibly be telling on her something she doesn't want anybody else to know ....U know who u R!! :) talk about goals at least once a month ( if not more). Last time we talked ......the "G" word came up again. Have we done anything?? I haven't.
Does a goal have to be intellectual? Outstanding? I guess if it doesn't....I DID meet a goal. I got my own surfboard & go with the girls more & more. It just doesn't strike me a a goal!!! For years ( since school ) my dreams & aspirations always had to be FUN! God forbid I did something to change the world, get a degree in some grand field.....NOPE! Had to have Art, Drama, Wood shop., etc...you get the picture. FUN, FUN, FUN!!! Now , I sit here thinking ......why don't I set goals?? I NEED to grow up
***Phone rings***
Me: "Hello?"
Girlfriend: "Hey D, were all meeting to play in the water!" they say.
Me: "Be right there"!
where was I?? oh, yeah, who cares ...I gotta go have FUN!!!


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

I think that is a VERY FINE GOAL indeed! You go girl. Have fun and bring the stories to us, we love them!

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Kala said...

Hi Dina

Very well written!! You presented the topic very well! I think when you have a family, the "goals" are so different from if you were still single. Priorities change and time spent having fun becomes so much more precious with so many other things taking hold during the week. Having fun should be a "goal" that everyone should strive for - if we all spent more time having fun, we would be kinder to others as well =)

brw the doggie SUP photo was taken at Sunset beach on Saturday =D

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Candy said...

I'm with you girl! Trust me. You're touching more people in your spontaneity and living life moment by moment than most people do with their high and lofty goals. And just think of the great memories you're making for Tiki!!

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

Sounds like a great goal!

Just remember to share!

Love ya!

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a goal accomplished almost every day that gives me inspiration, laughter, and delicious food for thought...reading your blog !!! Thank you Dina lina !!!


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