Hawaiian Girl

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

That kind of dayyyyyy

Currently working in a position that leaves the teacher like this....or one of her Aids. I'm working with behavioral students, which when meeting them they seem like normal frustrated kids...rolling of the eyes, sassy talk back...UNTIL the REAL BAD comes out in them. Some need medication, yet are soo angry they throw the pills across the room ...( can't force them). THEN YOU KNOW WHERE & HOW YOUR DAY IS HEADING...It has actually been a blessing working with these children. They have taught me alot. I can come home with a grin from ear to ear from having such a awesome day with them, and the next ....they are mean, throwing things, temper mental...Although I have to "go through " that for the hours I'm working...its NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT THEY LIVE THROUGH DAY TO DAY...Yes, they have taught me wayyyy more than Im teaching them!! That's where FAITH comes in...in my quiet breath, I pray for these kids...pray for their families...go home & huuuuug my baby girl !!!


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

We all need to be reminded how "good" we have it sometimes. It's too bad you have to be reminded so often. At least you can take comfort in knowing that you ARE making a difference in their lives.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Dianne said...

Kathy said it better than I can. We just have to count our blessings sometimes.

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Candy said...

Dina - God has placed you there for a reason. It sounds like He is working through you. You are amazing. I love that you pray over them. That is exactly what they need more than anything - that and to be loved thru it - loved in spite of their behavior. I am thanking God for your heart.

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