REAL Soulmen

Went to see this movie....first off....I wouldn't recommend this if your easily offended by vulgar language, sex scenes...
A movie to me that has the F-word is kinda senseless. This movie, every OTHER word was F,F, F.!! I wouldn't say the word bothers me as much as WHEN & WHY you have to say it soo much. Some people think it's necessary to make comedy somehow funnier when you over USE the word. NOT TO ME. lack of creative writing if you ask me. I'm not sure if it's because Bernie Mac & Isaac Hayes passed away right after this movie...but there was SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I laughed at Bernie Mac's expressions, Samuel Jackson is always a favorite....and there was a twist of irony in the WHOLE movie....
It didn't get good reviews ( I can understand why in many parts) but Me & Alika liked it....still trying to figure out exactly WHY!!
I'm with you on the F word. It can take a otherwise great movie and ruin it. I still would like to see this one, because I am a big fan of Samuel Jackson. I like the others too, and with it being their last film, well, I just want to.
just be prepared...Samuel Jackson was on Oprah the other day , and hes almost 60!!! I think he looks awesome!
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