Kelis & Tiki testing the waters.....well Tiki is busy looking at her tummy... yeeeaaaahhh getting ready for her 3rd Annual Tiki Flag Football B-Day DEC!!!!
The Germain street gang..Aaron, my childhood friend ( in front ) Ron? John (tall guy) yours truly in the back holding up my board and Jeff (in front of me).. Aaron & Jim built this and me & Aaron were on it DAILY, FOR HOURS!!! OUR POOR NEIGHBORS, especially during wipeouts! I would say this was around 1977...
This is MOM'S pick...LEXUS CS 300 Of course Dad likes all the trucks, but thought this was cool... Still trying to convince the family, THIS IS THE ONE....REALLY!!!! Then Tiki found HER fave!!!! the Cooper.....guess we'll wait till we ALL agree!