Today was HECTIC, to say the LEAST... it was a challenging day for the whole Family...Tiki has been signed up to do this "Healthy Baby Contest" for months....she began to get a cold 4 days ago, I tried to keep her home....little running last night ( 12 hours before she gets on stage) she's up EVERY HOUR...FEVER 103....stuffy nose, the whole nightmare I tried soooo hard to keep her away from. Alika was up with her, wiping her down with a cool morning she woke up feeling and looking o.k....BAD OBSERVATION MOM!!!! There was family/friends coming to support her, my first (and THEY ALWAYS SAY LISTEN TO THOSE....)instinct was to cancel & do it next weekend, and as it turned out.....she was better, then cried for 10 min straight....( by this time too late to cancel & go next weekend) Her eyes PUFFY, P DIDDY doesnt have enough PUFFY IN his name to compare!!!! My poor husband took her on stage....looking like...hmmm anyway,
she didnt look HEALTY enough to be in a HEALTHY BABY CONTEST!!! Last but not least...(Yes this suffering coninues ) I thought I get at least ONE DIDNT WANT TO WORK AGAIN!!!! UUUUURRRRGGGGG......Needless to say ..She is a BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY BABY TO US!!!! (Although winning $2,500 bond she could of won would of been a great college starter :) ) Morale of the story...LISTEN TO THOSE GUT INSTINCTS.... Sorry no pix! Aloha