Hawaiian Girl

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I had to take her picture this way...because if she smiles...you cant tell she just lost TWO teeth!! Well....she didn't actually lose two teeth...they were PULLED! Her two new ones were coming in already IN FRONT of her others. took her to the dentist and said they should pull them. I said if she shes a needle IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!! Dentist is a girl and she is gooooood!!!! Tiki had NO CLUE what was going on until it was over...then dentist told her she wiggled them & came out....and her face seeing the $$$ from toothfairy PRICELESS!!!!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Santa Baby...we might need a DOG!!

Had a photo shoot today. Found out not only is she with a BEAUTIFUL young girl from Hilo, who now lives in Japan & models strictly there...she got to have a DOG with her. OH LORD...if you know my daughter, this was horror for me. ALL SHE WANTED TO DO IS PET, & PLAY with the DOG!!! Poor girl neeeeeds a dog...hmmm I would love Santa to give her one, but we aren't allowed where we live....sooo deprived.

After numerous pictures.....She does the "PEACE" sign...cracking up the photographer & other girl....( In Hawaii, when you live here, and are down at the beach as much as we are and see Japanese tourist...they ALWAYS give the peace sign!!! Like Hawaiians always give the "Shaka". That's why they laughed soo hard!!

In between camera shots & reloading the camera, someone would give them shade..Tiki didn't understand it, she kept saying , I can hold it for you, you don't have to do it for us!!!

Sassy look.
This pink truck was seen driving around the Island, they rented it for the photo shoot, and when it pulled up three 20 yrs old got and and yelled "TIKI"! the Japanese crew says you know each other??!!!
were all beach people...its an Island.

Getting her hair done ( Where is my Cousin Kathy when we NEED HER!)
Giving the dog water....

And finally, little girl coming out of her beach house with the (DAMN) DOG!!
Just joking, the dog was cute, lovely, I just want to strangle my kid when she gets around one, cuz she wants to pick them up CONSTANTLY. Poor dog was happy to see us goooo.!!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

new traditions

My wreath is fresh, and smells sooo good, that I haven't been in a mad rush to get my tree! In my house , that is unusual....the tree is up as soon as possible!! But by Christmas, it smells burnt and has lost that "lovin" smell.
At our local store, they were selling wreaths. My husband says...You want one?! hmmm....we NEVER HAD ONE..SURE. But Im going to be selfish here..is it appropriate to put it on the INSIDE OF THE DOOR??!! Why should I buy a REAL (nice smelling) wreath only to be put outside that maaayybe people can seeeee, but cannot smell!!!! WHAT A WASTE!!!
So, do your family a favor....go AGAINST the grain, and put your wreath on the inside !!! Every time you leave & come home....you'll be glad you did!!!!