" I WILL NOT......" List
My daughter is 6....she had her first "I WILL NOT..." list.....ahhhh my nerves..
My girl has independence to a nuisance!!!! I admire it, glad she has it...but at times its a battle of TOO MUCH!!!
I love her unconditionally....beyond what I thought the human heart is capable of...but boy..TODAY I WAS TESTED BEYOND !! I know every parent (maybe for different reasons) feels like i did today, and if they DON'T...THEY ARE PROBABLY LYING (haha)....
It took every fiber of my mind to think of HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE.. I GUESS THE STORK FORGOT MY PARENT MANUEL....so I am on my own with this.
I have TRULY tried various solutions...looked it up on the computer, books..
Of course a glass of red wine, some Gouda cheese is on my list of "How to handle..." EVERY SITUATION (hee hee) but as of now...no wine OR cheese in the house...so shes tries this for the first time and my wine is replaced to WHINE ON MY BLOG!!! Thanks for listening and by tomorrow I will gaze into her eyes as she says "I love you Mom" and this too shall pass.