Saturday, May 31, 2008
Chicken or the Clown ????
This is what the beach will look like next sat. Me and a couple of girls who are "new" to Stand up surfing were all excited to be in our FIRST contest. I put my entry in...they didn't.
We were all supposed to be BAD TOGETHER!!! NOW.... I will be against thee top competitors. I have two choices...#1 Put a big red nose on and be the "entertainment" portion of this high profile contest...
Cluck, cluck, bawk bawk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Click on to enlarge. Tiki & her friend wanted a ride aboard the "Big Kahuna". standing up on one of these is HARD .....surfing on one of these is HARDER....standing & surfing with TWO MONKEYS IS IMPOSSIBLE...!!!!
This is actually underwater!!! the water was very dirty this day.. I know it doesn't seem like it, but trust me.
I know these probably all look the same to you...but I HAVE TO RECORD THIS. She surfed "Baby Queens" today. this is twice further out than she normally goes...and bigger waves. I got the famous pink hotel in the back round. It was a BIG STEP FOR HER!!!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
good ol days
Today feeling very nostalgic!!! I saw my Elementary School online today and just wanted to cry. Man , it seemed soo big, so intimidating. It was strange to see kids playing on the handball courts where me & my classmates once stood. Where are they all now? Do they ever feel this, and wonder about things like this too?
I can remember the photo my Mom had of me on my first day of Kindergarten, and the shadow behind me as the morning sun was rising. They showed that very same picture on their website...minus me in it. Just sitting in wonderment, as I am about to embark on taking my girl to Kindergarten, how much of an impact those memories are. And at the time to my Mom, it was just as simple as dropping me off for another day of school. More pictures showed the auditorium. It was a cute picture, but to ME , it was where I first learned to "square dance", dosey, doeying hoping to lock arms with the boy I thought for sure was to be my HUSBAND.
I love going down memory lane, although there is a lump in my throat, it feels good to be young again!!!