Hawaiian Girl

Sunday, October 25, 2009


She DID IT!!! I guess I'm more amazed at the Stand up Division. This is something she "tampers" with but doesn't practice on any level....she battled over 16 girls ( RANGING 4-12yr olds) and just AMAZED her dad & I. I really want to upload some video of her stand up heat, but don't quite know where all the connections for computer are..We know God has blessed her with athletic abilities, but when that horn blows & she has a jersey on...she becomes AN ATHLETE!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Proud Parent Moment......

Getting the 411 on the rules of todays contest.....she was in two surf divisions...Stand Up Paddling...and 4-6 yr old long board....

Her partner on land & sea (and Calender!!!)
CLICK ON IMAGE.. her first heat was Stand up paddling (her 1st time competing) and she came in 2nd place!!!(and advancing to tomorrows FINALS!!) the kid who won....was 12 yrs old.
Her second heat was 4-6 yr olds...she came in first making it to Semi finals....Semi Finals she came in 1st place....advancing to FINALS TOMORROW!!! Obviously being in the finals is awesome, but everyone is sooo good...harder to come in 1st or second...just being IN the finals is INCREDIBLE...we teach her that 6th IS JUST AS GREAT AS FIRST.... and win or lose, always go high five the other competitors and tell them "good job!" will post video.....

Friday, October 09, 2009

Who ATE MY chocolate??!!

"I ONLY HAD ONE PIECE". She says.....poor thing probably didn't even TASTE it, seeing how its ALL OVER HER FACE!!! I tried soo hard to keep a straight face, only to quickly snap back to what REALLY IS HAPPENING ... that all my Dove's Dark chocolate bar IS GONE.
Oh, like i need it !!!
Love means never to having to say "I'm sorry I took all the chocolate". Just have fast enough legs to RUUUUUN.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Thursday, October 01, 2009

This isn't MY picture...but IT IS what I'm making for dinner tonight!!!

HAWAIIAN FOOD!!! I loooove the food...I'm cooking Kalua Pig & cabbage, lau lau & lomi salmon (which looks very similar to salsa...but with chucks of salmon in it)..and for desert...HAUPIA SQUARES!!! ( the white square things at the bottom of the picture...its like coconut pudding but more firm) . WILL GET MAJOR BROWNIE POINTS FROM THE HUBBY!! (haha). Any way, will be enjoying the luau at the Willis'!!!