My sister got
Tiki a beta fish for her birthday last Dec. She would wake up and feed that fish, talk to "Coco" ...lasted a week maybe. Mom took over. surprise, surprise. Every morning and every evening I give Coco, a small amount of fish food. Not without a whole
lotta racket!! As though I'm feeding my small child, cooing, and squealing "
Hellllloooo Coco,
Goooood Morning"... I PROMISE you....Coco, gets all excited wiggles around flares his side gills...and my husband thinks I need a Therapist. He argues that this fish can NO LONGER HEAR ME. I tell him look how excited Coco is....he WONT EVEN LOOK. I completely NUTS for treating this fish (verbally) like you would a dog, cat or small child.
What does he know.....I think I'll video tape it and let YOU ALL be the boss!!!