Hawaiian Girl

Friday, September 26, 2008


I know this is "part" of choosing the right candidate....but at the same time folks....it sounds JUST LIKE MY KINDERGARTNERS TATTLING ON EACH OTHER. And we as adults argue OVER & OVER how to teach the kids how NOT to SLANDER EACH OTHER & talk nicely...only for them to go home and hear it from grown adults...kinda confusing to ME!!

A debate is one thing....saying it with a tattletale attitude & slandering is JUST WRONG coming from grown ups!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Never skipped a beat

In her new school, they have a Hawaiian studies teacher that teaches the kids Hawaiian words and songs.....then they have a Drama teacher. We were playing around and I thought I would throw a word in there that she doesn't know to see her reaction! To act "PUZZLED".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The school has quite a few students out daily, due to this "bug" . I hope he doesn't look like the one in the picture! Woke up this morning....feeling every bit of this picture!!
I woke up , and felt like I'd been out drinking alllllll night....since I don't do that... I KNEW something was wrong.
Poor me. Well, make the most of EVERYTHING , I always say....I'm off to rent a bunch of Videos and spend a quite day catching up on movies I haven't seen.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


All the kids had a bottle of silly string and sprayed Alika right after surfing and SHOWERING!! It was a great day. The weather looks alot like California because the Volcano ( another Island ) smoke is making our Island all hazy. Me and my Friend went surfing, then more girls came & we all went out. When we got back all the guys went out!
Vanina, Tiki ( on Chuck ) and Kaniala.
Chuck is our WORLD CHAMPION TANDEM SURFER!!! He's also like the "uncle" who is always playing with all the kids at a party.

Doing push ups with 3 kids on his back....check out the muscles!!!


This is my newphew Hakau THEN...(he gave me away at my wedding)...

This is him NOW (left). My baby grew up sooo fast!!!! We all went to support him at his Homecoming game...they are undefeated. I was soo proud of him.
Someone took this, little blurry. but that is his sister Tianna, me and Tiki

My sisters 3 kids. Great Job Hakau!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Looks can be deceiving !!!

What does this look like??? CATTLE HERDING?!! (Buzzard goes off) ERRRRRR!!! wrong.
This is ME trying to be a P.E. teacher for K-3rd graders!!!! No wonder this position was open at the Elem. school!!! I at first was thrilled! Teach them "Duck, Duck goose...Skip!, Play"
Heeeey , right up MY ALLEY..PLAYING and getting paid for it!!! They failed to tell me that rounding up 16-18 Kindergartners was what I was REALLY getting PAID FOR!!!
The grass suddenly attracts all the kids allergic (they ALL aren't but once that "excuse" is out there....) I loudly gives directions, as soon as game begins, NO one had been completely listening....there was after all hair to be braided, bugs to be examine ( only when teacher is talking ) and boys telling each other to hit their ...um...well I guess they are testing what it feels like to be hit without a cup ....ahhhh, so glad I had a girl!!! I'm new to them, but wait till I feel comfortable...Hopefully they will hear me better!!!
4 classes a day, trying to fill 45 min of P.E. to kids who get hot & tired very fast is much more of a challenge than I had expected. Thank God for WHISTLES!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"A star was FOUND"


This 16 year old name Cherice is BEYOND words!! she sang, and me and my husband ( not sure he'll admit to this part) were soooo blown away - I was crying, he had POOLS of water ready to flow!!

They were giving an intro to her, how AWESOME she was the last time she was on OPRAH, I just kept going, yea, yea( yep! thats me...already negative) lets see this.....Tears flowed immediately. I was floored. Not only that she is a unforgettable singer & performer...just that GOD had given this girl a talent that was undeniable!! and she is getting soooo blessed and that touches my heart the most!!! YouTube her.....you will not regret it! wooooo hooooo!! Hang on girl, for the ride of your LIFE!! you deserve it.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Goals ??????

Truth be told. I don't set them, I don't seek them.
I'm constantly aware, that I don't have any. My intentions are THERE. still.....no goals.

My very best friend & I ( I won't reveal her name....she doesn't have a blog, and I could possibly be telling on her something she doesn't want anybody else to know ....U know who u R!! :) talk about goals at least once a month ( if not more). Last time we talked ......the "G" word came up again. Have we done anything?? I haven't.
Does a goal have to be intellectual? Outstanding? I guess if it doesn't....I DID meet a goal. I got my own surfboard & go with the girls more & more. It just doesn't strike me a a goal!!! For years ( since school ) my dreams & aspirations always had to be FUN! God forbid I did something to change the world, get a degree in some grand field.....NOPE! Had to have Art, Drama, Wood shop., etc...you get the picture. FUN, FUN, FUN!!! Now , I sit here thinking ......why don't I set goals?? I NEED to grow up
***Phone rings***
Me: "Hello?"
Girlfriend: "Hey D, were all meeting to play in the water!" they say.
Me: "Be right there"!
where was I?? oh, yeah, who cares ...I gotta go have FUN!!!