Hawaiian Girl

Thursday, July 31, 2008


After 4 1/2 years, Tiki got her very first haircut!!! She was super excited about the whole thing. Daddy made sure he said "DON'T CUT TOO MUCH OFF!" of course I relied the message to Aunty Doreen. She did a FABULOUS JOB ( How could she not..she IS the Hairdresser on Lost!)
Tiki watches Daddy getting his haircut all the time...so she was proud that she was "just like Daddy".

Her patience was short lived, so Doreen kicked it up a notch when she noticed her getting antsy!!! And here I thought the candy would keep her patient!!!

Thank you Doreen!! We love it!! Daddy will too!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I've been tagged.....I am to name 7 things about me. hmmmm I've been tagged before, so I'm probably not revealing anything that isn't a repeat!!

# 1. I LONG TO VISIT NYC!!! (During Christmastime)

# 2. I must have been a professional Football Player in my past life ( a chick cannot love football like I do).

# 3. I love my daughter too much! ( I cant let her be alone without worrying)

# 4. I miss having a DOG!!

# 5. One day , I will have a log cabin SOMEWHERE.

# 6. If I can do a movie with Robert DeNiro, I could say "I've done everything I've wanted to do!"

# 7. I enjoy people watching.

Next I suppose to tag 7 people........YOUR ALL FREE.

OFF I GO...........

Well Tiki begins Jr. Kindergarten in a couple of weeks. I even got hired at the same school!!! This will be my first time working for this school and it is rated one of the top public schools in all the islands. With the price of gas going up were in the works of purchasing a new bike so we can bike to school . Its not far , but exercise for me and it will be nice for both of us. They originally wanted me to work with one of the kids that would be in her class and I said "oh, that is not going to work well!!" they agreed. She would be taking too much of my attention and getting jealous that someone else has it...GOD FORBID!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Race that NEVER WAS.....

I received a phone call from my husband at wee hours of the morning..saying "guess where I am?" where?!!!
Here in Honolulu. OMG!!! The escort boat that was to take them to other island so he can race DID NOT MAKE IT. 5 hours into the trip ( and not even half way there) they experienced HIGH SWELLS, turning the 45 ft boat into a little ship. Most got sea sick , and was slammed around like match sticks. Alika did find time to sleep , when he woke up he was COMPLETELY DISORIENTED and looked around like WHERE ARE WE??!?!!! His partner Tony said " Honolulu". He said he never heard Alika Curse soo much!! ( truth be told!!). Alika worked soooo hard at this...he practiced, got a sponsor to pay for the WHOLE THING (Board, phone & money included) and he didn't get to do it. I suppose it's like getting ready for the Superbowl and it being his FIRST ONE, but the plane, train or automobile couldn't get him there in time for the game! After many hours talking about it, we are saying that THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!! We may not like it,, but it is WHAT IT IS!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


Alika has been waiting for this for a year!! This is the Quiksilver Paddle race from Molokai to Oahu...ITS FARRRRR!!!
These people in the picture are kneeling/or lying down...He will be doing it stand-up with a paddle.
All those escort boats will follow their "man or woman" across the Kaiwi channel. Said to be one of the roughest waters around.
Pray for safety of the contestants and the crew of the escorts!!! 32 MILES!
Last week , during a small practice run ( 8 miles ) He had a lovely FISH TALE. Two sharks ( he said all to be around 8-10 ft) ON EACH SIDE OF HIS BOARD followed him. Fish food??!!! They were hoping. He caught a wave and paddled back and they were GONE. That was not even the deep ocean!!! He wasn't scared...he said. If I just saw a FIN of one, let alone the whole thing....I would fall in the water cuz my knees would be knockin!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

21 years ago....

Any of my regulars know the CRAZY B-dayz that my family has!!! Today is my niece Tianna's 21st. BDAY!!!! I lucked out and had her on MY bday! Happy Birthday Tianna!!! Have a beautiful day planned out going to a hotel and MAN IS IT BEAUTIFUL. we were there today!!! Dolphins, a floating pier for the kids to jump off and a pool with lots of drinks and food!!!! I'll post the pictures tomorrow...
aaahhhh to be young again!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Since Tiki won the Wii....there is much screaming and excitement going on in our house!!!
Tonight having a Wii Party with 20 kids , choke pizza and hopefully....understanding neighbors!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today I am

I have had some health issues lately. Nothing serious, but when i don't KNOW what it is...I get scared. While waiting at the Doc's office, I saw this lovely old lady walking toward me. she walked as though she was walking on egg shells, and about as slow as a snail. IT IMMEDIATELY CAUGHT MY ATTENTION , AS I WAS ON THE PHONE WITH MY SISTER. I quickly remember hearing sounds from the phone ( sis was talking, I was mesmerized by the old lady). I noticed her hair...same as my Nana. Her wrinkled hands that were as soft as a baby's. the thin watch strap,...same as Nana. She finally made it passed me and SMELLED like my grandma. I instantly began to follow her. With each step, my eyes were glued on her as though I saw my beloved Nana!! Hung up the phone ( I wanted the FULL EFFECT) tears were welling up in my eyes. I have "thought" of my Nana -OFTEN, but today was different. I wanted to run up to that poor old lady and ask her if SHE COULD BE MY GRANDMA!! I know, I know....how silly. It sure wasn't at the time. I TRIED SOOO HARD NOT TO CRY THIS WHOLE TIME OF OBSERVING HER. As I followed her to the pharmacy, she picked up various candy bars....I smiled and left so I wouldn't go to jail for harassing a lovely old lady!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Awesome Day!!

This her first time by herself. First heat in the morning. 8am. Thank God she is somewhat of a early bird.
This was a 9 yr old and under division. she was the youngest!
Here is one of her rides. Diamond Head in the back round, end of the wave, after 5 loooong waves...horn blew and she did awesome.!!!!
3 hot tamales!!! Tiki got those funky glasses in her goodie bag. so hundreds of kids walking around with these on was fun.
all her friends jumping for joy!

Kelis is 3...she did the contest. unfortunately 1st wave she fell hard and wouldn't get up again.
the other girl is 9 an UNBELIEVABLE SURFER. Kahanu is her name, and she will be famous!

She also did a Tandem event with her dad. the waves were HUGE...kept praying that they wouldn't catch any...and the horn would blow. I saw alot of DADS falling off, only to leave there kids on these monster waves and they're freaking out. Alika is good, in all her 3 1/2 years of being with him, he's dropped her in the water ONCE. As a mom watching this, it NEVER comes without anxiety.

They had a game that you wrap a string with a balloon around your ankle and all these contests have to run after you & pop your balloon.
and the last two finalist were Tiki &Tenaya ( who almost always seem to come down to these two...both competitive). Made it two the finals...now to pick straws for the winner of the grand prize....

SHE WON!!! A WII station. We don't play video games, but this one we will!!! She was soooo stoked, and she doesn't even know what it is.
Still has the "winning" straw in her mouth!
Going to have the beach kids over for a night of Wii!!
Posing with Uncle..still not sure of the prize she got!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm, not shy!!

Today was the beginning of the kids contest...Tiki's second contest. But as most go, you don't KNOW what day or time your heat is up until 7am the day OF. so , after being extremely early....found out 9 & under is all done on SUN. the 10-14 yr olds were all today.

they had many games ( who can hoola hoop longest, 3 legged race, musical chairs) that She got to play in. I believe she wouldn't leave this host ALONE. he was very courteous too her. They video taped her and her answers were tooooo cute. "how long have you been surfing?" Tiki: " 10 days!"

"Were are you from:"

Tiki: " I live on the beach....long time morning to night" she wasn't far off. he just kept asking questions and she would give the silliest answers. it will be on the T& C website.....I just have to get it. if you want a laugh...watch it. I'll report it when I know it.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July

Had a great day....beach was unbelievalbly busy!!!! just a few photos of her day..I certainly don't like to show me!

someone had this zinc that is pink (close to red) white & blue. ALLL the kids had their own unique designs.
Her first time "doing sparklers" and couldn't do enough!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Pink Dayz

Oh, the weather outside is painful.....it is soooo muggy & hot!!! so
Cannonballs fix that problem!!