Sat. Night....Tiki must have seen a commercial. She comes in with a bright smile like this...and as much excitement as a kid who saw Santa Clause..."CHUCKIE CHEESE DAD!!! PLEASE!! MOM, CAN WE GO TO CHUCKIE CHEESE??!!! " It's really the last thing I think Alika & I wanted to do...We look at each other like..who wants to break the news to her?? NOT ME! ME EITHER! "Sure!! lets go" Screeching & screaming!!" yeaaaaa thank you Daddy! I love you Mommy ( with a kiss)" She was dressed in minutes...Daddy was dragging a bit, she kept saying "hurry Dad!" I guess she's used to hearing us say that to her. Her excitement now has become contagious...were in the car saying " ohhhh BOY!" We get there, Tiki & Alika bolt, I order food...
WHERE IS MY FAMILY??? Tiki & Daddy doing the race car, she's his hero...YEEEE HAAAAWWW! GO DAD, FASTER". I'm off to test my basketball shooting skills...Alika comes up behind me..."CHALLENGE YOU".
That's the great part of having excuse to be seen @ Chuck E. Cheese on a Saturday night challenging your husband for more tokens!!
What happens to us from 3yrs. to 40?...we loose soo much excitement, laughter, innocence, vitality just for the small things...THANK GOD FOR CHILDREN to remind us that its STILL THERE.