Hawaiian Girl

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I have been sooo busy. don't ask me doing WHAT! just day to day. It has been sooo cold here in Hawaii. 76 degrees, but sideways rain, wind 25 mph. I actually had to take out our comforter!!! ( it comes out once a year for no longer than 2/3 weeks). Get off work, home by 5pm, cook, go to mall or wherever we all decide to go...home, start all over.

I have not too much time to read my fellow blogs as often as usual. Just a quick note to say Hi to everyone, and will post something alot more exciting as soon as I can.

My friend from my old Title job will be visiting soon, so hopefully I can do fun things to blog. For now, stay warm...and talk to ya all soon!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

You have to wonder....

Once I saw this, it really grabbed me. With everything going on around the world I think this could be a very real picture!! WOW.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I was on the shoreline watching this ( inside going "they better not wipe out...it would be a scary one for her). But they caught 6 more waves AFTER this one. so I know she was stoked. When they came in she had a smile from ear to ear and said "Mom, did you see me?"
I played with her. "No honey, what did you do?"
she looked like "MOM how COULD YOU ??!!!"
a second passed and I grabbed her and very excitedly said 'OF COURSE I DID!!" Back to being stoked!

Blast from the definate past!!!!

My present from my Husband....for no reason! Yes, I know how this must look. Some women cry when they get flowers, nice dinners, etc.. I cried when he gave me THIS.
I have been a tomboy my whole life, and i was kinda good at all sports, but SKATEBOARDING was truly my gift!!! Not just riding down the sidewalk with my hair blowin in the wind....POOLS, SKATE PARKS...the real daring stuff. I had to stop skateboarding when I was 16 due to a Scoliosis back surgery ( and the fact that I had a body cast for a year :( ). That was That.
But inside the passion never stopped. ANY chance i could ride a board from a relative ( when they were young) I would jump on and feel alive again.
So the past couple nights, trying to get some exercise in we all went down to the park on the beach. Alika would run, Tiki ride her bike and I would skateboard along side. Well this skateboard I had was a Walmart $19.00 special. IT TOOK ALOT OF WORK TO MOVE IT CUZ IT SUCKED!! So next night, Alika picked up Tiki from school and they brought me home a Skateboard with REAL URETHANE WHEELS ( it's been 30 yrs!).
We all went again , and it's as though I bought a Cadillac after having a beat up car forever! It was one of those moments, that I appreciate my husband for being "me". He's not embarrassed that his 40 something wife still enjoys SKATEBOARDING!! ha ha ha. My mother would no longer be caught doing such a thang, let alone past 16 yrs. old.....I think of that every time I'm cruzin around doing tricks! I know my parents (and brother) are laughing in HEAVEN! " she's still not over that??!!" That's one thing I NEVER WILL GET OVER. so if you see an old lady on a skateboard....it's probably me!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

IS IT REAL......???

I had thee coolest dream...my cousin lately has been talking about them. This morning I woke up with a smile.
I had a dream that I seeked a physic to see if they were "REAL". He gave me a small thin box. It was to contain things for me, about me. I opened it and pulled out two pictures. I THEN realized, HE does know about me. 1st picture was my brother Greg that had passed away in Aug. He was probably 18 yrs or so in the pix. all over was stickers that said " I miss you..I miss you...I miss you" I was sooo happy to see him!!! 2nd picture was of my father that passed away. both really "missing" me. I woke up sooo happy, as though I had seen them and THAT THEY CAME TO ME THROUGH THE DREAM!!! It was really cool. (of course a part of me wondered why my Mom or Grandmother never came through....but then I figured, maybe they were busy visiting someone else in their dreams last night! Maybe another time!!! I can't wait!

Friday, January 11, 2008


This is my friend Kevyn. He owns one of the Catamaran's off Waikiki Beach for tourist. He has battled throat cancer for years, and lately is not doing well. Today him and his friend Jimmy were bbq-ing at the beach, and while I was off to see a movie..I feel God pulling me towards "Take time to visit Kevyn". so I changed my plans. I cruised by , sat with them before I had to pick up my baby girl. If you knew Kevyn this guy is DIFFERENT!! VERY different sense of humor. we were all laughing sooo hard, making hot dogs, people watching...but the bottom line is I saw his pain in between the laughter. It hurts to watch someone that is near & dear to you to see them this way. We parted ways, talking of renting a house on the North Shore with "the old gang" and spending good memories together. Truth be told, we know he's not doing well.....lets have a party WITH KEVYN, and NOT WAIT till he's gone to get us all together. I think we will have a Kevyn Roast!! HE'D LOOOVE IT!

With the view, and beauty we had ...it was a very good day to laze around with good people!


I have met some incredible people in the blog world. For a bunch of us who really don't know each other, yet we feel as though we've been friends for years.
This Lilo "bobble doll" is from a fellow blogger who lives in TEXAS, and said every time she saw this she thought of Tiki and wanted her to have it!! This is one of Tiki's favorite (among many) cartoons she watches. She shrieked with excitement when she opened it.
Thank you Candy, for being so sweet and thoughtful to my girl! by the way, she looks perfect here and we will always think of you!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Heavy sigh....

Still not feeling like "Myself". Almost that i'm in a fog that is not lifting. YUK!! Thanks to all you guys who called, emailed. Man I gotta get Dizzy more often..

Well, 4 days left of my 3 WEEK vacation, sorry I don't have any FAB pix for you guys, guess you all have to tune it next time!
The "ever-ready" girl should be home from school any minute. better put one of those PERKY MOM smiles on!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Woke up 2 days ago, out of the blue, feeling a tad dizzy. Its been raining here for a week or two, and NOW THE SUN IS OUT, and everytime I stand up, the room is spinning and making me feel sick. So today, Sunday, I lay around, blogging, feeling very sorry for myself while the family is enjoying the beach, surfing...( I told him to get her out, poor thing is trying to be helpful but I'm not in a good mood.) I HATE being sick or not feeling well....I'm not a fun person to be around if I feel like I'm going to "miss out " on something!!! Keeping a Leo home ( at least THIS lEO) is like putting a lion in a cage...aaahhhh! Poor me , Poor me... Well I gotta go , time to put a sheet over my window..I can see just too much sunlight. i need to pretend it cold & raining so I can relax!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Kilauea Volcano has been going off for 25 years!!!! That is AMAZING. I'm not talking about stop n' go....it has been going steadily for that long.

It has been a popular tourist attraction just as long, and although i go to the "Big Island" I still have yet to see it for myself. How long can a volcano go for??

As long as no one gets hurt, I have no complaints!!!

Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008



Hawaii has been UNDEFEATED, and today plays in New Orleans. Soooo many Hawaiians went there to support UH!!! The hype here on the Island is INCREDIBLE!! Even if you were never interested in a football game before....people have become instant fans!

Win or Lose, UH has come sooo far and with Ti leaves in hand , our white out ( everyone is stand is to were white) we have the PRIDE OF ALOHA!!