My present from my Husband....for no reason! Yes, I know how this must look. Some women cry when they get flowers, nice dinners, etc.. I cried when he gave me THIS.
I have been a tomboy my whole life, and i was kinda good at all sports, but SKATEBOARDING was truly my gift!!! Not just riding down the sidewalk with my hair blowin in the wind....POOLS, SKATE PARKS...the real daring stuff. I had to stop skateboarding when I was 16 due to a Scoliosis back surgery ( and the fact that I had a body cast for a year :( ). That was That.
But inside the passion never stopped. ANY chance i could ride a board from a relative ( when they were young) I would jump on and feel alive again.
So the past couple nights, trying to get some exercise in we all went down to the park on the beach. Alika would run, Tiki ride her bike and I would skateboard along side. Well this skateboard I had was a Walmart $19.00 special. IT TOOK ALOT OF WORK TO MOVE IT CUZ IT SUCKED!! So next night, Alika picked up Tiki from school and they brought me home a Skateboard with REAL URETHANE WHEELS ( it's been 30 yrs!).
We all went again , and it's as though I bought a Cadillac after having a beat up car forever! It was one of those moments, that I appreciate my husband for being "me". He's not embarrassed that his 40 something wife still enjoys SKATEBOARDING!! ha ha ha. My mother would no longer be caught doing such a thang, let alone past 16 yrs. old.....I think of that every time I'm cruzin around doing tricks! I know my parents (and brother) are laughing in HEAVEN! " she's still not over that??!!" That's one thing I NEVER WILL GET OVER. so if you see an old lady on a's probably me!