Hawaiian Girl

Friday, October 31, 2008

Have a fun , safe Halloween & don't PARTY TOO HARD !!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


TIKI DOES!!!!! Went to dentist yesterday, and she just gets way too excited about it. It is a GIRL dentist which makes ALL the difference (shes compassionate, caring, & talks to you).
a "tooth fairy" with wings comes out to the waiting room & picks the kids up!! Then after its over, they apply sparkly lip gloss to make you feel like a princess!!! Any parent that has to take a kid to a dentist is apprehensive. Thanks to hers, its a goooood trip! P.s. she took a x-ray of her teeth and said 6 -12 months her new teeth will be coming in....this is what I heard...
"Your daughter is growing up soo fast, that before you know it, she wont need you, probably won't like you, and definitely won't want to hang out with you!"
Yeah , I know, I probably read too much into that.....ya think?!!

Best time with the girlz

This is from Last weekend!!! My friend Ashley, had a birthday and we got a room at the Marriott , and had a very fun sleepover.. started of at Sansei sushi ( after hours of having pupus & drinks in the room) and the sushi there is fantastic!!! After stirring up some noise over there, we headed off to Tiki's grill.

These are the girls that go stand up surfing with me. We actually have a "thing" going on, that I mentioned and now is being put together!!! South shore girls against North shore girls.....you should see the North shore girls!!! they are all 6 ft. and STACKED with muscles....Thank God , it is all for fun!! I will post those after our get togethers!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


You need both RAIN & SUNSHINE
to make a perfect Rainbow.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Totally UNexpected !!!

I first suggest TURNING DOWN YOUR VOLUME !!! The screaming is NOT ME!!! Its a very happy cousin filming...

She started to sit down, which I thought meant she was DONE with this wave, but instead pulled off The Cockroach!!! ( when you lie on your back and wiggle your arms & legs like a cockroach who just got on his back!) She has NEVER done this except on a floating board for "fun", but NEVER ON A WAVE!! I was shocked!!!

Her contest on the North Shore!!!

Kissing cousins for "good luck"
Mom finally in a photo with her girl!!! ( Notice I'm hiding really well :)

This was one of the signals to us...My eyes are REALLY bad...it's suppose to be # 1, but it kinda looks like a double "birdie" , cant tell ha ha

The waves were perfect for her. I had thee worst sore stomach while she was out....as soon as it was over, it was quite a relief. Alika was out there to Push her on the wave, but she caught this one herself !!!!

I know, all the pix look the same!!! but I just had to show you. I will post the video of her "surprise " trick...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

for now

Pictures & a pretty cool video of Tiki's contest this weekend in the North Shore.....

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Friday.....what's more to say??!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hasn't EVERY little girl.........

Married their Daddy??!!!

I Know I did....many times!!
Looks like it will run in the family.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Didn't want to see it......

But I really ENJOYED IT!!!! Of course it started out for Tiki , but I got more & more into it.
I found myself shamelessly loving it!!
Very kid friendly, very adult friendly.
2 Shaka's up!!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

sunny days & many waves!!!

Remember this one??!!!! ( for those who have followed my blog.....) This was her 1st. time surfing ( on her own). 3 yr old.....
4 years old!!!!! She used to be goofy foot....but I told her it was easier how & where to stand..."look at Diamond Head"...and thats how she stands now. I was watching this, and a uncle of hers snapped this shot. She dodged 2 people in inner tubes that got in her way, by turning. in one year she has really grown.

And this is Daddy giving her a ride to her chariot!!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Vacations all I ever wanted....

SCHOOLS OUT!!!! yaa hooooo. I don't know who is more excited, the kids or ME!! Me guarantee.

On my list of things to do....

#1. Going with friends to Maui on our friendly Superferry ( with the price of flying...this has been doing well. It takes 3 hours instead of 45 min of flying..but hey! Gotta do, whatch gotta do! and with others it will be fun!)

#2. Going to surf new spots!!!! Bringing our cars and loading them up with boards. Wild!

#3. Not clean... or cook! Not that I do either one alot. But I AM making a nice meal tonight!!!

#4. See and old friend before I whisk off to another Island!

#5. See MOVIES!

#6. Do a whole lotta laughing with my crazy friends!!

#7 . Who cares.........I'M OFF!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Don't just throw it away...........

Today is a big day!! Tiki has testing to go to a Hawaiian school that is a huge school & what every parents dream of a school would be!! It is a private school K-12 ( worth $15,000 a year but only cost $2,000 ) made for kids with Hawaiian ancestry left behind by Princess Pauahi Bishop. In her Will she wanted the Hawaiian kids to have an opportunity, that they normally wouldn't have, to go to a private school.

There have been a couple of kids ( should I say their parents) who are Caucasian and have sued the school for discrimination. You can look at it that way....BUT the school IS IN HAWAII & it IS IN HER WILL. I don't think Hawaiians are discriminating.....they are just full filling a written last wish.

Some parents are fanatic about getting their kids into this school (drilling them, practicing day & night).. ... me? I would looooove her to get into this beautiful school, I help her with homework and just let God be the guide of things. Not taking her to try and get in is like holding a Lottery Ticket and NOT playing.