Have I told you my neice Tianna is having a baby?!?! YES , SHE IS!! I wanted her to wait and NOT find out the gender, but she couldn't .....BUT maybe I'll keep it a surprise to ya'll. My sista's gonna be a granny. LOL. Ya know when your a "young" grandma, the LAST thing ya want to be called..is....GRANDMA.
My Mom felt the same way...she wanted Personality in her granny name. They lived in Palm Springs, and about that time Zsa Zsa Gabor had been all over the news that she slapped a cop in the face. so she decided ZSA ZSA. My sister has other ideas...
Anyone have hip names that they call their grandmas??!!
Tianna is a beautiful girl and will be a terrific Mom....however, for ALL the times she gave Tiki Candy, doughnuts, and all those other things that keep kids WIRED AND BOUNCING OFF THE WALL.....revenge is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!